Our Founding Fathers included, in the Constitution, a way for the legislature to be able to remove a sitting president through a legislative process. The impeachment clause in the US Constitution reads: “Article II, Section 4 provides: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
The decision of whether Congress should impeach a sitting president should be one that is not easily come to. The process is specific and intended to be remedial not punitive. It was never intended to be a legislative cudgel against someone legislators do not like or against an opposing party.
Also history has shown, while impeachment may occur, conviction has never occurred. The closest that we’ve ever come to convicting an impeached president happened during Nixon and Watergate. He resigned before he could be convicted. And the evidence in Watergate was overwhelming; so much so, that members of his own party were convinced that he had, without a doubt, crossed the line to the point that the nation, be they Republican or Democrat, had lost all confidence in his ability to govern.
The Argument in Favor of Impeachment:
While impeachment is a serious and consequential step, it is essential that our elected officials be accountable for their actions. In the case of President Biden, there are legitimate concerns that warrant impeachment.
The issues surrounding President Biden’s tenure include: 1) A chaotic Afghanistan Withdrawal, 2) an invasion of our Southern Border, 3) Inflation and worsening Economy, 4) the weaponization of virtually all bureaucracies in the Federal Government against Americans, and 5) the ever-growing evidence that he and his family received bribes from enemy foreign nationals in return for governmental favors.
One could argue that numbers one through three above, are just bad policy and ineptness. None of these are mentioned in the Constitution. Number four, I would argue qualifies as high Crimes and Misdemeanors. Number five, bribery, is directly mentioned in the Constitution.
Argument Against Impeachment:
There are basically three arguments against impeaching President Biden:
1) Impeachment is specious because no Democrat and many UniParty Republicans will not vote to convict in the Senate. Besides that, we are only a year out from the election. The people should decide.
2) The Democrats weaponized the impeachment process during the Trump Term. We Republicans are above that. We do not want the Democrats to blame us for weaponizing impeachment.
3) Some Representatives say “the Democrats are begging us to impeach Biden. Doing so will backfire in the general”. They say we should not do the Democrat’s dirty work for them by removing Biden, who the Democrats do not want to run again anyway; thereby giving them the opportunity to spin the news fanning the flames of hatred toward the Republicans and galvanizing their base to vote.
My thoughts on this:
While it is true that no Democrat and possibly many weak-kneed Senate Republicans would not convict Biden despite the mountain of evidence surfacing about his bribery schemes, it is important for the American people to know the truth in order to be able to make an informed decision when they go to the polls to vote. The impeachment inquiry would expose the truth for all to see. It is time for the American public to really understand the damage Joe Biden is doing to our country.
Regarding the second reason, that’s just a bunch of cowardice disguised by virtue signaling. The Democrats impeached Trump twice for non-crimes, thereby weaponizing the process. Biden, in fact has committed real crimes including receiving bribes to sell out our country. Bribery is specified in the US Constitution. This is exactly the situation for which the impeachment process was put in place.
The third reason is that the Democrats do not want Biden to run for a second term. However, they as a political party do not want to remove him themselves for fear they will appear weak and demoralize their base thereby depressing voter turnout. They would much rather the Republicans impeach Biden; thereby giving them and their allies, the Pravda Media, a focal point to use to blame the Republicans for removing their political opposition and, thus, galvanize their base to vote.
Maybe impeachment itself is not in the Republican’s best interest. However, a slow and drawn out impeachment inquiry is most certainly merited, in my opinion. An impeachment inquiry will expose all the damage the Biden administration is doing to this country and Joe Biden’s criminal behavior without giving the Democrats (this includes the Pravda media) ammunition against the Republican candidate.
What is your view? Impeach or do not impeach?